June 19, 2024

My dearest,

I dig up the Phyllanthus myrtifolius shrubs that I had planted half a year ago in the large patch of organic soil (meant originally for flowers and vegetables), and move them to their new home against the back wall, a bed of river stones acting as an elegant, flowing border.

These shrubs (also known as myrtle-leaf leaf-flowers or mousetail plants, apparently) alternate with the excess Boston ferns off-growths I rescued from the mound of our bonsai tree. Yes, I am doing a lot.

Next week I will finally be able to remove the weed-ridden top soil and replace it with sand and smooth pebbles. We will have a new gravel garden outside our kitchen.

A proper backdrop for all the flowers you have been caring for: the pink wild petunias and the pinwheels, the moss rose and the purple-white petunias. Marigolds and cosmos in the future.

Gardening is a team effort, as is marriage. We are blessed to be a team, the best I know of.

Yours, ever and always.

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