June 7, 2023

My dearest,

You are looking for dinner, trawling the food delivery app for options. You already had crispy duck confit for lunch, with arugula, feta cheese and a spurt of cranberry jam. What now, for dinner?

You tell me you are thinking of bak kut teh, but instead of the herbal meat bone soup, you find Penang char kway teow instead. With sihum, you exclaim! You love blood cockles as much as I dread them. But your joy is my joy and I love seeing how excited you are.

What else? Asam laksa or white curry mee? Or better yet, a set with vegetables (stir fried cabbage, maybe?) and shallot rice. In the end you have your bak kut teh and you are astonished that the shop paid attention to you request for more soup; you have enough for another meal, another day.

To finish, you are having some pomelo. And after this, reading a novel perhaps? Rest well, my dearest, and we will share a meal together soon.

Yours, ever and always.

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