May 17, 2020

My dearest,

It’s our Saturday morning ritual. We watch an episode of Thai BL or two. It’s escapism, sure, but who doesn’t need it these days?

This weekend it’s the last episode of 2gether the Series. We have been following the sweet and adorable adventures of these two rom-bros, Sarawat and Tine, for 13 weeks now, before we left Bangkok, while we were vacationing in New Zealand and then stranded in Auckland, all through half a month of quarantine, and then some.

It’s our one constant, our one shared pastime.

You’ve taken to calling me “ตัววุ่นวาย” just like Sarawat calls Tine. I found it offensive at first to be called a nuisance, to be considered chaotic, then ridiculous given the boys are university freshmen, then finally endearing, as I always do, with whatever you do.

You call me “Tạw Wùnwāy” and I tell you that it’s you who is a nuisance, that it’s you who is chaotic. You always reply by calling me “Tạw Wùnwāy” again. Your Tạw Wùnwāy. And I suppose that it’s true. It always has been.

Yours, ever and always.

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