July 25, 2023

My dearest,

No one said building a new home was easy. This is true, but no one told us there would be so much work just dealing with… carpentry.

Selecting the right grain of wood, the right colour (not too red, not too cold, not too boring), the right texture… who knew having so many options could drive even the steadiest of minds to despair?

Do we go for the same flooring we currently have (Santos Latte) or something entirely bolder (Taroko Oak)?

And then there are the custom-built carpentry samples: George Walnut, Oxford Walnut, Tusayan Walnut, Antelope Walnut, Trento Walnut (so many walnuts!), Libya Elm, Alaska Oak, Florence Hickory, etc.

Truly one could go nuts (wal-nuts, even) trying to decide.

But decide we do. After more comparison slides than I care to remember, we agree on the simply named Chrysler: warm but not too warm, cool but not too cool, just… right.

We chose well.

Today I visited our new house – our new home soon, once it’s completed – and the colour of the flooring we chose together astounds me. It’s warm under the gaze of the morning soon, cool and cosy in the shade. It’s perfect.

Well worth all those weeks of back and forth, of trying to discern the difference between Balinese Teak and Sumatran Teak. All those hours, all those tired eyes.

We chose well, you and I.

Just as we did when we chose each other, for this journey we are on, this partnership in home décor, this many-splendoured marriage, this life together. We chose well, we did.

Yours, ever and always.

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