March 12, 2009

My dearest,

These days I don’t even have time for a cup of coffee. Friends tell me coffee is bad for me, supposedly.

I would like to tell you that coffee is bad for you but these days I’m not around much to tell you this. I’m not around enough to monitor your intake; I can’t be your Caffeine Cop. Sure, you like coffee, I know, but not enough to become a caffeine addict. You could go months without a cup, you assure me. But you sure enjoy it when you do.

You always order kopi-O kaw. Thick, black coffee. Just a dash of sugar. White. None of that brown stuff (what a cop-out!) and no artificial sweetener nonsense either. It’s just sugar. It’s just coffee. You’re right, of course. We are not what we drink, after all.

But if we were, O how I would drink coffee everyday, bitter and strong, the aroma haunting me till the end of the day with a subtle sweetness that is the real thing. No artificial love here. Trust me, baby, I could drink you, all of you, till your last drop.

Yours, ever and always.

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