May 17, 2012

My dearest,

So tired, so tired. I drop you off at the office and then I come home to rest. I’m gonna take a nap, I send you a text and I put my mobile phone on silent. I go to bed. I forget to set the alarm but hey, I think, it’ll be twenty, thirty minutes tops.

I’m out for three hours.

When I wake up, there are four missed calls from you. Worried messages. I call you immediately. You thought I had fainted or something. Any fever? No? Sure? You tell me you were gonna take a cab and come home to check on me. You probably would have had I slept any longer. I say sorry, sorry, gosh, I’m so sorry. Lesson learned: Set the damn alarm before switching it to silent mode.

Still that’s not the only lesson. My friend Joan had shared with me how we sometimes push ourselves too far, stay up too late, do so much and take care of ourselves too little. Our friend Philip calls this running on fumes. Like there’s nothing left in the tank and we’re only running on fumes, little more.

Have you ever felt that way? My guess is you have. We all have.

So let’s be kind on ourselves. This isn’t about taking a break. It’s about slowing down to rejuvenate. Re-juice. So we can get going again.

I’m taking my rest now so I can be my best tomorrow.

Yours, ever and always.

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